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Copa Sinquefield 2013: Reporte y Análisis en Video (Ronda 1)

El reporte y análisis en video de la primera ronda de la Copa Sinquefield 2013 llega a ustedes por una cortesía del Club de Ajedrez y Centro Escolar de San Luis, el Internet Chess Club y Power Play Chess. El MI español Michael Rahal comienza las transmisiones, compartiendo sus ideas acerca del desarrollo de las …

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The Games of Paul Morphy by Ben Finegold

Chess Grandmaster Ben Finegold analyzes the games of Paul Morphy showing his enormous chess understanding which was manifested through simple pieces activation and flawless tactics. Finegold presents three instructive games played by Morphy from amongst his simultaneous and tournament games. A highly recommended lecture. The Games of Paul Morphy by Ben Finegold ©STLChessClub Visit STLChessClub’s …

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Into the Night with Garry Kasparov and Peter Thiel

Garry Kasparov meets Peter Thiel, the billionaire business guru of new media, in New York. The meeting begins at Robotics Lab at Columbia University. Kasparov and Thiel are very interested in modern technology and artificial intelligence and their limits that Kasparov has already explored in his legendary battles against various chess computers. Continue to human …

Into the Night with Garry Kasparov and Peter Thiel Read More »

Strategic Ideas in the Opening by Yasser Seirawan

Chess Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan explores the English Opening emphasizing the relationship between strategic plans and this opening. He finally analyzes his 1979 game against British Grandmaster Anthony Miles to illustrate this relationship and also to explicate when should we stop thinking Strategically. A highly recommended discussion. Strategic Ideas in the Opening by Yasser Seirawan ©STLChessClub …

Strategic Ideas in the Opening by Yasser Seirawan Read More »

Entrevista de “El Inversor Inquieto” a Leontxo García

El sábado 08 de junio, la Directora del portal financiero “El Inversor Inquieto” María Jesús Soto entrevistó al periodista especializado en ajedrez Leontxo García Olasagasti para hablar de la relación del ajedrez con la empresa, con la educación, con la salud y con la sociedad en general. María Jesús aprovechó también la oportunidad para recomendar …

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